Cara Ingin Cepat Punya Anak
Beberapa hari belakangan, saya sering mendapat pasien baik melalui konsultasi online maupun di tempat praktek saya, yang mengonsultasikan tentang keinginannya untuk segera punya anak. Mereka meminta saran bagaimana agar bisa mengetahui kapan waktu yang tepat untuk berhubungan suami istri dan bagaimana pula asupan makanan yang harus dipenuhi. Sebenarnya terus terang saya ini dokter umum yang…
Many Benefits of Fish Oil
Do you know the use of fish oil? I think you remember that your mother asked you to consume fish oil when you were a child. Your mother notice that fish oil can make you grow healthier and taller. For your information, fish oil is also useful for you and it can prevent you from…
How to Get the Right Way to Great Body Shape
There are many things you can do to have great body shape. Well, because of fat and unhealthy food, we can see many people have bad body shape and can not lose their weight. If you want to lose weight and have good body shape you have to do a lot of practice, eat good…
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